Monday, April 11, 2011


JACO CHEEKS - By Karly Jaco

While Fellowshipping At The Back Of The Church One Evening

Ashley Silvey, yes, THE Ashley Silvey of A Silvey Family Tale, sat talking with her mother (Stacy), her sister Sarah and I, one evening after Church.

Stacy, of course had to get her Ava loves, so she took Ava from Ashley and invited Michael over to talk to Ava, as she was doing.

Michael was overjoyed to have the chance to talk to Ava, up close no less! He was totally wrapped up in talking to her, and staring into her face, "Hiii Ava, Hiiii Ava..." he cooed with a big grin from ear to ear. We all smiled and watched as Michael's love for Ava radiated from his being.

Suddenly, he paused... an ever-so-serious look on his face, and looked up at his momma. "Mommy." he said, "Why is her face too big??"

We all immediately cracked up, and Sarah commented, "This will be a good one for the blog" We all agreed, and joked about how Sarah's line would give her a co-starring role in this blog tale. (Yay, Sarah...that's two now!)

And that is the story of how Michael discovered, that "Silvey cheeks" can also come on a Jaco.

The End

Ava Brooklyn Jaco

Hey guys! It's me again! I hope you all enjoyed the guest post! This was written by a very dear friend of mine. Well, she's more of a big sister and role model.

Back in the day, before she was a mummy and I was in high school, we both considered ourselves aspiring authors. Now that we are very immersed in life and had to step away from bigger projects like novels and children's stories, we both stumbled into blogging. What's cool is that we both got into it around the same time and with no influence from each other! Karly's Blog, The Up Look, is a truly inspiring read.

She tells her life story as wife to a preacher

 Mother of three

 And daughter of Christ

Her life is a living display of patience and faith. Please check her out and give her some love in the comments below and by following her blog! Check it out here!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Soul Winner

While Taking Break At STAR Testing

Lexie sat with the children in the grass. All the kids seemed shy and she decided to break the ice with what she thought was an easy question.

"So, how many of you go to church?"

Only one girl half raised her hand.

"Sinners." She shook her head sadly. 

The End

(I don't condone my sisters behavior, I just thought her reaction was funny)